Small moments

We live in a culture that glorifies big – big news, big achievements, big reactions alongside the big houses, cars, salaries and titles. Whispers come back from those who achieve the biggest things that maybe it didn’t change that much for them but the drive for more rolls on. And if you’re in a helping role, chances are the big things are not that common. Problems aren’t perfectly resolved, housing isn’t suddenly affordable and your own bank balance is still looking pretty lean.

If we’re too focused on the big, we can miss the small for both ourselves and others. Yet the small is where the real depth often lies. They are the individual beats and notes that make the music of our lives.

It might be a sensation – the sight of a playful puppy, the first smell of spring, a wholehearted hug, a friend’s laughter, an apricot that tastes like an apricot. Or an emotion that fills us from within like an overflowing cup. Or a moment of connection – of seeing and being seen, a comfortable silence, a shared hope. Or a memory that lets us relive that experience all over again.

When we tune into these moments, the spaces between the big things becomes a richer landscape. And when we support others to do the same, we reinforce the safety net the holds and replenishes them as they navigate the challenges of their lives.